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Pet Calming Duck Plush

Pet Calming Duck Plush

Fight boredom, less lonely, and happier

🧼 Machine washable & dryer safe

✔️ For dogs of all sizes (from Yorkie to Great Dane)

✔️ Attractive quacking sound proven to keep dogs interested forever

Regular price $29.99 USD
Regular price $59.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
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Makes lower, deeper quacking sound that dogs are naturally attracted to but extremely difficult to find

Whether or not your dog is already loving squeaking toys, your dog will love this quacking sound.

The attention grabbing quacking sound appeals to dogs' natural hunting instincts. Because their brain is wired to enjoy catching prey.

Thus keeping your dog engaged for hours and miraculously tire out your dog.

Chewable, tug-of-war-able

Made for chewers, tug of war lovers, dogs who love to play.

*Not indestructible because we do not want to break your dog's teeth.

Effortlessly alleviate boredom, excess energy, and anxiety.

When your dog feels bored, engaging him in activities like chewing or playing tug of war with you can effectively relieve his boredom.

These activities serve as displacement behaviors, providing an outlet to release excess energy or stress.

Bright colors your dog can see easily, plus soft material to make your dog feel safe.

Your dog will always have it by his side. Crafted in colors dogs can easily see, the Calming Duck becomes your dog's loyal sleeping buddy, bringing unparalleled comfort and joy.


Will my dog like this toy?

Yes, it's the color your dog can actually see. Secondly, dogs are naturally drawn to quacking sound. Lastly, your dog will love how cuddly it is.

Is this machine washable and dryer safe?

Yes, just toss in the washer and dryer. Gentle cold wash, low heat.

Is this toy suitable for my puppy/small/large dog to play with?

Yes, absolutely. This Calming Duck is made for dogs of all sizes (from a Yorkie to a Labrador to a Great Dane)

Can I use a calming duck for puppies?

While calming ducks can be suitable for puppies, it's essential to choose a size and material that is safe for their age and chewing habits. Supervise puppies closely when introducing them to a calming duck to prevent any choking or ingestion hazards.

Can a calming duck help with separation anxiety in dogs?

A calming duck can be a helpful tool in managing separation anxiety in dogs by providing a sense of comfort and security during times of solitude. However, it's essential to address the underlying causes of separation anxiety through behavior modification techniques and training.

Can a calming duck help with noise phobias, such as fear of fireworks or thunderstorms?

Yes, a calming duck can help dogs cope with noise phobias by providing a comforting presence and distraction during loud or stressful events. Additionally, some calming ducks may feature noise-muffling properties or be used in conjunction with calming techniques such as desensitization and counterconditioning.

Can a calming duck help with car anxiety or motion sickness in dogs?

A calming duck may offer some comfort to dogs experiencing car anxiety or motion sickness by providing a familiar and soothing presence during car rides. However, it's essential to address the underlying causes of anxiety or motion sickness and consult with a veterinarian for additional strategies and treatments.